In the summer of 2006 three childhood friends Ted Xenohristos, Ike Grigoropoulos, and Dimitri Moshovitis came up with the idea to open the original full-service Cava Restaurant. Drawing from the success of Cava’s modern take on Greek food, Cava brings authentic Greek flavors to the fast-casual setting, redefining signature dishes for the time, health and budget-conscious customer.
The restaurant’s format fits well at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA), utilizing an efficient, assembly-line process, customers at Cava are able to see and choose from high quality ingredients, without the wait. Dips and spreads are prepared from fresh produce and ingredients, free of additives and preservatives. The proteins are all-natural, hormone and antibiotic-free, marinated for over 24 hours and freshly grilled within 30 minutes of consumption. Pita chips and seasonal soups are cooked on site daily as well as seasonal fresh squeezed juices.
Cava is food evolved to be smarter, healthier and more transparent. Rooted in the ancient traditions of Greece and adapted to these times, food culture endures at Cava. Crews now brings Cava to its first ever airport location at DCA “evolving the way we eat”.